程序 & 职业生涯突出


The College 的业务 has teamed up with the 大学多样性网络 为了努力 将我们的学生与机会联系起来 与重视多样性的雇主合作.

学生 & 校友推荐

我出生并成长在芝加哥的中心,成长为一个非常外向和活跃 孩子. Always staying proactive, I ventured into a lot of different activities to 展示我的才华. I was a part of the beta team in my early elementary school years. 高中时,我加入了一个名为Focus的组织,为我提供指导和帮助 从小就帮助别人. I was also a part of a CPS group called Harris Fellows, which helped develop pilot programs related to high school academics. 作为其中的一部分 为了学习,我去了很多学校,其中很多都不在伊利诺伊州 问题. Our objective was to gain a better understanding of how programs could be 开发,以最好地解决学生的需求.

我经常用我的创造力把很多创业的想法变成现实. 我成立了一个叫One Mic的组织,这个组织聚集了朋友,年轻人,艺术家 and older adults come to discuss their deepest and most inspirational ideas. 参与者 are free to express themselves both verbally and artistically.

我渴望在188bet金宝搏官网登录网址获得工商管理学士学位 大学. 我的专业是会计。. I want to become an entrepreneur so that I can take my many talents to the next level and take control of my economic future. My 我的愿望是达到一个更高的标准,向自己证明我有这个才能 和技能来实现我的梦想,同时也为那些 到我后面来.   




作为第一代海地裔美国人,我的家人和其他像我们这样的家庭 通过获得无法从我们身上夺走的东西来克服我们的处境……. 教育.    我进入奥利弗·哈维社区学院并以副学士学位毕业 学位. From there, I enrolled at the university in my neighborhood …. 芝加哥 州立大学! Before I started at Chicago State, I created a plan that outlined how I wanted my academic career to progress. 我参加了校园活动 在市长办公室和PNC利率银行的公司办公室完成实习, 同时保持3.3 +平均绩点.

我可以选择去德保罗大学,但我选择了188bet金宝搏官网登录网址. 我选择了一个让我感到受欢迎的地方,这里的教职员工都非常热情 帮助我成功. Everyone I worked with matched my drive, including Ms. 井 职业发展中心的Robert Hearon在非裔美国男性资源中心工作 Center, as well as Professor Martin, Dean Collins, Dr. Kpo和Dr. 在学院里 的业务. Any student here can do the same for me; you just have to want it!    

我目前受聘于通用资本公司,这是一个机会 我是通过商学院的会计与金融年度招聘会学到的 学生. I am pleased with the decision I made to attend 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 去攻读学士学位. 作为一个 result, I’ve grown as a person and as a professional. 我希望这能帮助任何现在或未来的学生了解你的邻居 university is there for you, and can propel you to higher heights. 要坚强,要坚持, 和勇敢的. Enjoy your journey, learn as much as you can, and build many relationships.






我在2000年高中毕业近十年后开始了我的大学之旅. I 我完成了在冰碛谷社区学院的大部分通识教育课程 and then decided to transfer to CSU in the fall of 2015. 为了集中精力,我推迟了上大学的时间 关于我的家庭. After I got married and had two beautiful 孩子ren, college was far 从我的脑海里. My husband was in the Navy and I was managing my family’s auto repair 南岸社区的设施. I have held this position for nearly 17 years. 直到我的孩子们渐渐长大,他们才问我:“大学有什么用 你去吧,妈妈?" Because 我有 no answer, I was slightly embarrassed - not because I was incapable of going to college but because it wasn't a priority for me. 我有 从学前班开始,我就向他们灌输教育的重要性,但我并没有活着 符合我自己的标准. So I went back, and I have given it all I have from day one. 这个决定把我带到了我生命中的这一刻——离毕业还有四个月 有一个3.1 GPA and excited about attending graduate school.

我在科罗拉多州立大学的经历不仅为我提供了必要的学习工具 更有效地管理我们的业务,但它也给了我一种感觉 of personal gratification and the confidence to be anything I want to be. 绝大多数 of my business acumen has come from hands-on experience. 然而,法律和专业 在过去的两年里,我的技能有了很大的提高.





我叫斯蒂芬妮·罗德曼,目前是一名大四学生,正在攻读学士学位 在会计. 我现在保持的是3.73 G.P.A和我将在2018年5月毕业. 作为一名转学生,我在188bet金宝搏官网登录网址学习了两年,在那里 我已经能够找到机会,这些机会已经并将继续帮助我获益 knowledge and advance my accounting career. 作为科罗拉多州立大学的一名学生,我已经获得了两个学位 重要的奖项.  我收到了E.Q.U.I.P.P.她是莱拉·E. 赖特奖学金 recognized by 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 for outstanding academic achievement. 作为一个 商学院的学生,我已经被选中参加瑟古德马歇尔 College Fund’s 17th Annual Leadership Institute this October. 就读芝加哥大学期间 我很幸运能在预算和资源规划办公室工作 我在哪里获得了大量的会计经验和知识 来自我的同事. I have also been able to network with other accounting and finance professionals from whom I am also gaining great knowledge. 获得学士学位 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的学位只会打开更多的机会之门 for me as I aspire to work for the Internal Revenue Service as an auditor.





我是亚历克西斯·塞维利亚. I was born and raised on the southeast side of Chicago. 我的爸爸, 曼纽尔·塞维利亚是来自墨西哥哈利斯科州的移民,我妈妈玛吉·塞维利亚也是 出生在芝加哥,父母是移民. Throughout my education, I was always on the honor roll and received numerous awards for academic achievement. 在我高中的时候 在格温多林·布鲁克斯大学预科学校的几年里,我是女校的队长。 足球队,西班牙国家荣誉协会的财务主管,也是 全国荣誉学会. I also engaged in a considerable about of community service. 高中以优异成绩毕业后,我继续攻读会计专业 在北伊利诺伊大学获得学位. During my first year of college, I was blessed 带着一个小男孩. However, I still had dreams and goals and I never forgot that education 成功的关键是什么. Thanks to my support system, I was able to continue my education and graduate from the one and only CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY!! 我拿到了学位 in accounting within the time frame expected. 我有勇气和决心 to succeed, no matter how difficult the obstacles 我有 to overcome.





我是188bet金宝搏官网登录网址会计学专业的大四学生,希望能完成 我在2017年秋季获得学士学位. My educational inspirations consist of acquiring 我的会计学士学位有助于我在一家酒吧谋得一个职位 学位课程,如J.D. and Masters of Accountancy offered by some law schools 希望能获得注册会计师执照.

我的职业愿景是有一天拥有自己的律师事务所,提供专业的会计服务 以及为公司和个人提供的法律服务,这将有助于企业的建立和扩张 他们的业务. I spend time outside of the classroom working and volunteering. 我去做志愿者 for the Humane Society and a local food pantry.





I am currently employed with Renzenberger, Inc. 我是一名职业司机.  I shuttle railroad crews to and from trains in the railroad yards.  我受过训练 numerous new employees regarding on-the-job safety procedures.  我也协助 crews as they build or take apart trains in the yards.

My activities outside of class include volunteer work.  我喜欢帮助别人. 我去做志愿者 在利奥高中,圣. Benedict the Africans, the True Church of 以及肯尼迪国王学院的Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会,我也是其中一员 一个成员. 我也给穷人提供食物、衣服和帮助.

我毕业于肯尼迪金学院,获得文科副学士学位 an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science, with a specialization in accounting. My 平均绩点3分.50.  I now attend 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 where I am pursuing aBachelor of Science 学位 in 业务 and 政府. 我的平均绩点是3.75岁,我就要毕业了 2017年12月.  At CSU, I am a Dean’s 列表 student and 一个成员 of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society - Lambda Rho Chapter.  



科罗拉多州立大学毕业生- 2017年夏季


我叫蒂芙尼·汤森,现在是188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的大四学生, 有志于获得工商管理学士学位, which will broaden my aptitude in numerous aspects. 课程设计是为了 让我熟练掌握解决问题的技巧,组织能力和 other mechanics that will help me to execute solutions. 协助采用这种方法 是语言之类的课程吗 & Human Behavior and Organizational 研究, which gives 我有机会深入探索学习经验,同时培养可持续发展 发展. You can be assured; this opportunity will reinforce fundamentals that 可能出现在商业行业.

此外,我是一个三岁双胞胎女儿的母亲,正在接受高等教育 is essential to improve their daily lives and to reach my personal goal. 不幸的是, 我的母亲不得不为我们的家庭做出牺牲,所以我当然觉得这是 我必须成为我女儿生活中的积极力量,并向她们展示 努力工作的本质.





I am an African immigrant from the nation of Ghana. 我移民到了美国 with my immediate family in the hopes of realizing the American dream. 我是应届毕业生 我是188bet金宝搏官网登录网址会计系的学生,我也被聘为职员审计员 在一家公共会计公司.  Before starting my staff auditor position, I completed 两个实习. The first 实习生ship was at Walmart, where I worked as a management 实习生. The second 实习生ship was with a steel manufacturing company, where I worked 做了两年的会计实习生. 作为一个n accounting student and an ROTC Cadet 在188bet金宝搏官网登录网址,我的累积绩点保持在迪恩学院的水平 列表. During my time at Chicago State, I was also awarded the Mary T. 华盛顿威利 伊利诺伊州注册会计师协会奖学金. I plan to take advantage of opportunities in public accounting while at the same time serving in the United States Army.


